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J Korean Gerontol Nurs Search


Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2011;13(3):196-203.
노인요양시설 간호사의 감정노동, 직무몰입 및 직무만족과의 관련성
서영숙, 성기월
Relation of Emotional Labor, Job Involvement, and Job Satisfaction for Nurses in Long-term Care Facilities
Seo, Young-Sook · Sung, Ki-Wol
The purpose of study was to identify the emotional labor, job involvement and job satisfaction of nurses in long-term care facilities.
Data were collected from a sample of 180 nurses in long-term care facilities. Survey questionnaires included items on demographic-sociological factors, emotional labor, job involvement and job satisfaction. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, t-test, ANOVA, Duncan, and simple regression with the SPSS/WIN 15.0.
The emotional labor by nurses was negatively related to job involvement and job satisfaction. The significant predictors of emotional labor were job involvement (β=-.28, p<.001) explaining 9% and job satisfaction (β=-.31, p<.001) explaining 11% of the variance.
The results of this study indicate that emotional labor of nurses influences their job involvement and job satisfaction and thus, it is necessary to concentrate on improving emotional labor of nurses to increase job involvement and job satisfaction.
Key words: Labor, Job Involvement, Job satisfaction, Nursing home
Key words: 노인요양시설, 직무몰입, 직무만족
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