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J Korean Gerontol Nurs Search


Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2002;4(2):207-216.
일부 농어촌 재가노인의 일상 활동 분석
김남초, 한혜자
The purpose of this study were to analyze daily activities of older people and to provide basic data for developing a leisure activity program for this population. The participants were 46 elderly people who lived in Chung Cheong province. Data were collected during September 2002. The participants were interviewed and observed by student nurses, their grand-daughters, for 1 week, from Monday to Sunday. The data were analyzed using the SAS program. The results showed that the mean frequency for the activity, personal maintenance, was 32.9 times a week and this item had the highest frequency. The mean frequency for paid work was 9.0 times a week, which was the lowest. The mean duration of the activity, resting, was 61.9 hours a week, which was the highest. The mean duration for paid work was 10.3 hours a week, which was the lowest. Older men had more social activities than older women. Older people without families did more personal maintenance than those with families. Older people with incomes did more IADL than those without incomes but had less leisure activity. But older people without families spent more time in personal maintenance than those with families. Older people without incomes spent more time in leisure activities than those with incomes. It is desirable for older people to convert their resting activities to productive and creative activities.
Key words: 농어촌 노인, 일상 활동
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