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J Korean Gerontol Nurs Search


Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2002;4(2):217-228.
노인 수발자가 인지하는 일상생활 영향
This study was conducted to identify perceived impact of caregiving among primary caregivers for patients with dementia (107 persons) and elderly people with other chronic conditions (73 persons). All of the patients were Korean, over 65 years, and living at home. Data were collected using a questionnaire, which consisted of questions on general background of caregivers, burden, and involvement in caregiving. Data were collected from August to December 1999. The results showed that both the primary caregivers and the elderly patients with dementia were older than those of other elderly patients (p=0.003, p=0.000). The most frequent relation-ship of caregiver to elderly person was daughter-in-law (41.1% for patients with dementia, 43.8% for other elderly patients) and most of the caregivers had no support from others. The economic status of caregivers of elderly with dementia was lower than that of caregivers for other elderly patients (p= 0.000), and they also perceived higher physical and mental stress (p=0.000). Caregivers of patients with dementia reported hardships in physical care, toileting and bathing, whereas caregivers of other elderly patients reported hardships in mental care, attending to complaints of pain and other severe symptoms, and trying to match the patient's disposition. The implication of this study are that different nursing interventions are needed for caregivers of patients with dementia and for caregivers of patients with other chronic caregivers.
Key words: 노인, 치매, 만성질환, 수발자
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