Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2005;7(1):20-27.
노인부모를 위한 유료노인요양시설에 대한 요구 조사
김옥수, 김소선, 김경옥, 김영애, 김희승, 박정숙, 최원자
Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate the needs about paying nursing homes for elderly parents. Method: Subjects consisted of 249 adults with elderly parents. A structured questionnaire was developed by researchers for this survey. The general characteristics of subjects, recognition and an intention of utilizing about paying nursing homes, expenses of paying nursing homes, an operator of paying nursing homes, environment of paying nursing homes, and service of paying nursing homes were included in the questionnaire. Result The frequency of subjects with intentions of utilizing nursing homes for elderly parents was 32.5%. Forty-one percent of them wanted paying nursing homes. Gerontological nurse practitioner was preferred as a operator of nursing homes by 82.3% of subjects. They hoped that medical and nursing service were provided in nursing homes. Conclusion The results indicate that health is a main concern for elderly parents considered by adult children. It is needed to provide services of goof quality and a low expense for ideal model of paying nursing homes.