Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2006;8(1):7-14.
중년 대상자의 유료노인요양시설에 대한 요구 조사
김옥수, 김소선, 김경옥, 김영애
Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate the needs for paying nursing homes for the middle-aged. Method: The subjects consisted of 365 people aged from 40 to 59 residing in Seoul. The questionnaire was composed of the general characteristics of the subjects, recognition and the intention of utilizing paying nursing homes, expenses of paying nursing homes, the operator of paying nursing homes, environment of paying nursing homes, and the service of paying nursing homes. Result The frequency of the subjects with intentions of utilizing nursing homes was 48.2%. Gerontological nurse practitioners were preferred as the operators of nursing homes by 72.9% of the subjects. The majority of the subjects hoped to receive medical and nursing service in paying nursing homes. Conclusion The results indicate that there are needs for high quality, low expense paying nursing homes. Therefore, it is necessary to reflect the needs of the subjects when designing the facility.