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J Korean Gerontol Nurs Search


Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2006;8(2):107-116.
일부지역 재가노인의 낙상위험 요인 조사연구
장인순, 김수미
Injuries from fall and their related health risks are studied using the home-staying elderly subjects sampled from one regional area of KyongBuk province. Method: The number of subjects are 479. The apparatus is structured survey. For the data analysis, descriptive statistics, χ2-test, t-test, and logistic regression analysis were used.
1) During the past one year period, 45.7 percent of home-staying elders have experienced injuries from fall; and 41.1 percent of the subjects experienced more than once. 2) To obtain the major risk factors leading to injuries from fall, the logistic regression analysis was performed. As the results, it was shown that a) the elders with 3 or more family members, b) the elders with arthritis, neuralgia, and diabetes, c) the elders with aiding equipment, and d) the elders with visual disorder were more likely experiencing injuries from fall. In addition, the environmental factors such as the room with doorsill and road with slope and bump are also the major factors with meaningful statistics having the odds ratio 1.711~2.559.
From the results the study suggests us that the preventive and precautious nursing intervention needs to be adopted for those home-staying elders who are frequently exposed to injuries from fall.
Key words: 재가노인, 낙상, 위험요인
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