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Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2007;9(1):14-21.
재가노인의 가족지지, 건강지각, 영양 상태와 우울과의 관계
This study was done to identify the relationship between family support, health perception, nutritional status and depression in elderly people. Method: The participants were 290 elders over 60 years of age who had visited Y city Senior Welfare Center from July 2006 to October 2006. Data were collected by questionnaire survey using convenience sampling. The instruments were Kang's Family Support Scale, Laffery's Health Concept Scale, Nutrition Risk Index by Nutritional Screening Initiative, and Depression Scale by Sheikh & Yesavage. Descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation coefficients were used to analyze the data. SPSS Win 12.0 program was used.
The depression level showed a maximum score of 15 with a mean score of 5.52; The mean score for family support, health perception, and nutritional status were 43.52(maximum score 55), 78.04(maximum score 112), 5.03(maximum score 21) respectively. There was a low negative correlation between family support and depression (r=-.272), and a low negative correlation between health perception and depression (r=-.330). There was a low positive correlation between nutritional status and depression (r=.429).
These results suggest that low levels of family support, health perception, and nutritional status can result in increased levels of depression for older people. These findings should be considered in nursing care for elders focused on treating or preventing depression.
Key words: 노인, 우울, 가족지지, 건강지각, 영양
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