Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2008;10(1):68-76.
병원에서 요양시설로 입소한 노인의 3개월 후 일상생활 활동정도에 영향을 미치는 요인
Purpose The aim of this study was to describe the level of activities of daily living (ADL) at 3 months in nursing home residents admitted immediately from hospital and to identify nursing home admission factors influencing level of ADL. Method: Based on previous findings, seven potential predictors were identified: ADL, pressure ulcers, urinary incontinence, malnutrition, pain, history of falls, and cognitive impairment. The study employed a retrospective correlational design. Data were extracted from the Minimum Data Set (MDS) of 38,591 older adults admitted to nursing homes from acute care hospitals and who stayed in the nursing home for at least 3 months (some of them stayed until 3 months). All analyses were carried out with the SAS program using the method of generalized estimating equations. Results Level of ADL at admission measured by the MDS-ADL was significantly lower than it was at 3 months. Poor ADL, urinary incontinence and pressure ulcers were the most important admission
factors predicting poor ADL at 3 months. Conclusion The findings provide evidence of the need for a systematic assessment tool for nursing homes in Korea. Such a tool would allow health care providers in nursing homes to predict patterns of ADL in older adults based on the admission assessment.