Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2011;13(2):79-90.
노인요양시설 종사자들의 감염관리에 대한 수행도 조사
박은주, 임유진, 조복희, 신인주, 김수옥
A Survey on Performance of Infection Control by Workers in Nursing Homes for the Elderly
Park, Eun-Ju · Lim, You-Jin · Cho, Bok-Hee · Sin, In-Ju · Kim, Soo-Ok
Purpose This study was done to investigate worker's performance of infection control measures in nursing homes
for elderly people. Methods Between October 2009 to April 2010, data were collected using self-report questionnaires.
Study participants were 203 workers in these nursing homes and 71.4% were direct caregivers. Data were
analyzed using t-test, ANOVA, Duncan test with SPSS/WIN 12.0. Results The overall mean for performance
score for infection control was 3.65 (range 1~4) and the score for environmental management was 3.75, for urinary
infection control, 3.70, for personal hygiene, 3.66, for respiratory infection control, 3.64, for drug and injection
management, 3.63, for hand washing, 3.59, and for disinfection and supply management, 3.57. Gender, age,
education level, occupation, need for infection control in the facility and education about infection control, and
probability of being an infection carrier were significantly related to performance level. A high number (69%) of
workers answered "not in the habit" as a reason for non-performance of hand washing. Conclusion These results
indicate a need to develop standard infection control guidelines and education programs for workers in nursing
homes for elders. These guideline and program should lead to improvements in infection control activities of these