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J Korean Gerontol Nurs Search


Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2011;13(2):91-100.
우리나라 재가노인의 낙상에 미치는 영향요인
김선호, 소위영
Factors Associated with Falling in Older, Community-dwelling Adults in Korea
Kim, Seonho · So, Wi-Young
The aim of this study was to identify factors associated with falling among older, community-dwelling adults in Korea.
This study was a secondary analysis research. Data were analyzed for 9,035 older adults aged 65 or older who participated in the 2008 National Elderly Survey. Logistic regression was done to identify the impact of socio-demographic and health related factors on the incidences of falls.
Within the last year, 17.8% of older adults had experienced at least one fall. Gender (odds ratio [OR]=1.56), age (OR=1.12), number of chronic diseases (OR=1.47), number of medications (OR=1.68), strength in lower limbs (OR=1.73), visual impairment (OR=1.48), hearing impairment (OR=1.20), body mass index (OR=1.17), activities of daily living (OR=1.64), and depression (OR=1.46) were significant factors affecting the incidence of falls in this sample.
These findings provide relevant information for designing prevention and management programs as interventions to reduce the incidence of falls in older, community-dwelling adults in Korea.
Key words: Falls, Aged
Key words: 낙상, 노인
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