Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2011;13(2):120-130.
만성질환이 있는 한국노인의 성별에 따른 신체활동 비교
문현정, 이인숙
Gender-based Comparison of Physical Activity Levels of Older Korean Adults with Chronic Disease
Moon, Hyunjung · Lee, Insook
Purpose The purpose of this study was to make a gender-based comparison of physical activity levels of older
Korean adults with chronic diseases. Methods Participants were 1,270 community-dwelling older adults (432
men; 838 women) who had chronic diseases and were over 65 years old. Data were obtained from the 2008 Korean
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Data were separately examined for predictive factors of physical activity
levels in older Korean men and women. The factors examined in the case of men were location of residence, basic
livelihood, alcohol intake, and perceived health status and for women, location of residence, age, marital status,
education, living arrangements, alcohol intake, suicide ideation, and perceived health status. Results Data
analysis showed that approximately 40% of older women with chronic diseases and 26% of older men were in
the inactive group. Marital status (odds ratio [OR]=1.417, p=.003), alcohol intake (OR=0.617, p<.001), and
perceived health status (OR=1.317, p<.001) significantly predicted physical activity levels for all older adults,
irrespective of gender. Conclusion These findings will help design gender-based interventions aimed at improving
the health behavior of older adults.