Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2012;14(1):1-11.
노인요양시설의 신체적 억제대 적용에 영향을 주는 사고유발 위험요인
Risk Factors leading to Accidents associated with the use of Physical Restraints in Nursing Homes
Lim, Mi Hye · Ko, Il Sun
Purpose The purpose of this study was to analyze risk factors leading to accidents associated with the use of
physical restraints in nursing home based on Heinrich’s theory of Industrial Accident Prevention. Methods A
literature review based on Oxman method was utilized. Previous literature from 1995 to 2009 was searched
electronically using the key words "fall, restraint, psychomotor, agitation, Alzheimer disease, dementia, wandering
behavior, wandering, nursing home, skilled nursing facility" from the database of RICH, RISS4U, Medline, CINAHL
Cochrane Library. Twenty-six studies were identified which linked the cause of accidents and physical restraints.
Results Ten risk factors leading to accident were identified that cause the usage of physical restraints. Conclusion
The study results indicate that risk factors leading to accident associated with the use of physical restraints in
nursing home are age among demographic factors and dependence in function, walking dependence, previous
falls, drugs, incontinence, vision, cognition, and depression among personal deficiency factors, and behavior
problems among unsafe behavior factors. Therefore, there is a need to develop protocols that leads to proper
usage of physical restraints in nursing home.