Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2012;14(2):79-90.
중년여성의 성공적 노화에 대한 인식
Recognition of Successful Aging among Middle aged Women
Lee, Mi-Ja · Yang, Jin-Hyang
Purpose This study was done to explore the overall perspectives of aging and the recognition of successful aging among middle aged women. Methods A qualitative method with content analysis was utilized. Data were collected from iterative work with individual in-depth interviews from 7 middle aged women from diverse social backgrounds. Results A total 10 subcategories were identified, out of which four major themes emerged: valuing health and engaging social life, harmonizing with the people around and distributing one's share, promoting self-discovery and growing to inner maturity, establishing economic independence and pursuing leisure activities. Each theme appeared to be interrelated as a pair, such as engaging social life required a foundation of valuing health. Participants emphasized the need to be actively engaged in their own life, maintaining good relationships, supporting successful adaptation of adult children, being useful to others, and being able to be independent in old age. Conclusion It is necessary for nurses to understand the understanding that middle aged women have about successful aging if nurses are to help these women prepare for successful aging as they come of age. Interventions should be tailored to address needs among middle aged women.