치매노인 주 가족 간호제공자의 소진에 영향을 미치는 요인 |
성미라·김경아·이동영 |
Factors Influencing Burnout in Primary Family Caregivers of Elders with Dementia |
Sung, Mi Ra · Kim, Kyoung Ah · Lee, Dong Young |
Abstract |
Purpose The purpose of this study was to identify factors that influence burnout in primary family caregivers of
elders with dementia. Methods The study was conducted from June 28 to July 14, 2011 with 93 registered primary
family caregivers of elders with dementia from Seoul Dementia Support Center. Each participant consented to
complete a structured questionnaire of; 22 items to measure care burden (5-point), 15 items for social support
(7-point), 33 items for coping (4-point) and 22 items for burnout (7-point). Results The majority of the participants
were women, mainly spouses and daughters. Average age was 68.84 and average care period, 2 years or more.
The majority reported they spent 19-24 hours a day in care. Mean scores for burnout, social support, coping, and
care burden were 79.44±18.13, 70.46±18.22, 93.09 ±13.07, and 51.09±17.95 respectively. Statistically significant
factors were care burden and social support, which accounted for 52.8% of total variance (F=31.553, p<.001).
Care burden was greater than social support in accountability. Conclusion Burnout of primary family caregiver
is influenced by characteristics of care, care burden and social support. Therefore, it is important to take these
variables into account when developing nursing programs to reduce care burden and increase social support. |
Key words:
Dementia, Family caregiver, Burnout |
Key words:
치매, 주 가족 간호제공자, 소진 |