Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2013;15(3):267-276.
REBT를 기반으로 한 성 교육 프로그램이 노인요양시설 요양보호사의 성 인식, 성 수용태도 및 성 대처행동에 미치는 효과
Effect of REBT based Sexual Educational Program on Sexual Awareness, Sexual Acceptance Attitude and Sexual Coping Behavior of Caregivers in Nursing Homes
You, Hye Sook · Kim, Ha Gang · Sin, In Ju
Purpose The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of REBT (Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy)-
based Sexual Education Program (SEP) on sexual awareness, sexual acceptance attitudes, and sexual coping
behaviors of caregivers in nursing homes. Methods The research design was a quasi-experimental pre-andposttest
control and experimental group methodological comparison study. Ninety-seven caregivers (48 for the
experimental group and 49 for the control group) were recruited from two nursing homes located in two different
provinces. Results There were significant differences in mean scores for sexual awareness (F=13.49, p<.001)
and sexual attitudes (F=8.59, p=.004) between the two groups. But the mean scores for sexual behavior (F=0.09,
p=.760) were not significantly different between the two groups. Conclusion The results of this study indicate
that the SEP can be an effective method to improve sexual awareness and sexual acceptance attitudes of caregivers
in nursing homes. It is suggested that more studies on the effect of individually tailored SEP for caregivers
are needed.