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Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 1999;1(2):181-194.
노인의 정신건강과 가족지지에 관한 연구
이길자, 안혜경, 김영선
This study attempted to investigate the correlation of family support and mental health of the aged. The subjects were 120 older people, men and women over 65years old, living in Yangsan. The data for this study were collected by using the direct interviewing method from December 21, 1998 to February 20, 1999. The instruments used for this study were the Family Support Scale developed by Kang(1985) which was modified by the author, and the Mental Health Scale developed by Choi( 1990). The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Peal-son's correlation coefficients, t-test and ANOVA, Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis by using SPSS 7.5 Window program. The results of this study are summarized as follows: 1. The perceived family support general characteristics were significantly different : spouses(t=2.46, p=0.017); the education(high school, F=3.84, p=0.006), co-living family(1-2, f=2.938, p=0.007) and status of co-living(aging couple, F=4.15, p=0.001). The status of mental condition according to the general characteristics was significantly different in the age(65-69y, F=6.7, P=0.000), sexdnen, t=2.54, p=0.013), education(high school, F=6.563, p=0.001), spouse(being, t=0.838, P=0.024), status of habitation(aging couple, F=2.24, p=.005), aging club house(taking,t=2.68, p=0.051), and aging social peer group(taking, t=20.169,p=0.000). 2. The mean score of the perceived family support was 2.00±0.859. The mean scores of the the family members perceived family support was son(3.534±1.688), daughter-in-law(3.142±1.693), grandson and granddaughter(1.96±1.690), spouse(1.56±2.14) and daughter(1.43±1.797). 3. The mean score for mental health was 2.467 ±0.344. 4. The status of mental health and family relationships had a significant correlation(r=.307, P<.05). 5. The most important variables affecting the mental health condition were : daughter's support(11.9%); and added variables(33.7%); such as : son's support, aging social peer group, work, perceived health status determined by the Stepwise Multiple Regression. In the above results, family support for the elderly of this study was "low" and the mental health status was "moderate" and the family relationships was "not satisfactory", but there was a correlation between the family support and mental health status. The study results indicate that approaches to expanding family support, especially daughter's and son's support, for the elderly as a nursing intervention should be developed in order to better the mental health condition of the elderly
Key words: 노인, 정신건강, 가족지지
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