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J Korean Gerontol Nurs Search


Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2000;2(1):48-58.
일개 농촌지역 노인 가족의 부담감과 스트레스
노춘희, 정금희, 김신정
Nursing literatures reveals that there is very little research on families' burden and stress. This research is aimed at identifying the families' burden and stress and preparing the basic data for promoting the health of the aged and their families. A convenience sample was chosen from the families residing in Chunchon City. Data was collected from June 1999 to Feb. 2000. Research questionnaires used are the Caregiving Hassles scale (CHS) with 42 items and the Family Burden Scale (subjective and objective burdens experienced by caregivers) with 16 items. 143 questionnaires were analyzed by SAS. The reliability of the two scales was tested by Cronbach's a. Statistical difference and relationship of the two concepts was tested by t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson correlation. The results were as follows: 1. The average item score of Family Burden was 2,74, which is similar to those members admitted to hospital (mean = 2.71). This score was found to be significantly different according to sex(t=-2.76, P=.006). The highest score item was "worried about patient's future". The female caregivers' score (mean= 2.81) is significantly higher than male caregivers' (mean=2.42). 2. Family stress was found to be significantly different according to family relations (F=2.36, P=.043), sex(t=-2.49, P=.014). The item of family stress which received the highest score was : "when I went out to leave the aged alone"(mean=2.54), and the stress of daughter-in-law was the highest level among all of the caregivers. 3. Family burden and family stress showed gnificantly positive relationship(r=.73, P=.000). In conclusion, this research suggests that caregiving is essential to not only dysfunctional aged people but also relatively healthy aged people. The tendency toward increased nuclear families and industrialization made the function of family weaker. Korean public health care for aged people is developing now, although the family still remains as the key in the main support systems. According these results various nursing interventions have to be developed for decreasing the families' burden and stress, with a focus on supporting the caregivers of the aged. The various home visiting programs and support systems need to be established for female caregivers, who are the major caregivers in the aged family. The aged and the family have a crucial interrelationship with their health. Therefore We suggest an increase in the availability of community health care services is needed for the families of the aged.
Key words: 가족 부담감, 스트레스
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